We have established this quality policy to be consistent with the purpose and context of our organisation. It provides a framework for the setting and review of objectives in addition to our commitment to satisfy applicable customers’, regulatory and legislative requirements as well as our commitment to continually improve our management system.
Customer focus: As an organisation we have made a commitment to understand our current and future customers’ needs; meet their requirements and strive to exceed their expectations.
Leadership: Our Top Management have committed to creating and maintaining a working environment in which people become fully involved in achieving our objectives.
Engagement of people: As an organisation we recognise that people are the essence of any good business and that their full involvement enables their abilities to be used for our benefit.
Process approach: As an organisation we understand that a desired result is achieved more efficiently when activities and related resources are managed as a process or series of interconnected processes.
Improvement: We have committed to achieving continual improvement across all aspects of our quality management system; it is one of our main annual objectives.
Evidence-based decision making: As an organisation we have committed to only make decisions relating to our QMS following an analysis of relevant data and information.
Relationship management: LinkPlas recognises that an organisation and the relationship it has with its external providers are interdependent and a mutually beneficial relationship enhances the ability of both to create value.
Our policy is also to meet the requirements of other interested parties and in meeting our social, environmental, charitable, regulatory and legislative responsibilities.
We have produced quality objectives which relate to this policy and they can be found in document IMF03 IMS Objectives.
This policy is available/communicated to all interested parties as well as being made available to the wider community through publication on our Website, Company Noticeboard and Intranet.
We are committed to undertaking our activities in a sustainable and environmentally responsible manner whilst complying with all relevant regulations and seeking continual improvement of our processes and prevention of pollution.
As a responsible organisation, LinkPlas will always place the highest priority on the health and safety of our staff, contractors and visitors.
To ensure we meet our sustainability and environmental goals we will:
Undertake programmes aimed at reducing waste and increasing recycling
Our staff will be trained in the principles and execution of LinkPlas policies regarding Health and Safety sustainability. They will be encouraged to explore innovative ways in which LinkPlas can continue to improve our performance with regards to our environmental impact.
A large proportion of the work of LinkPlas is centred on the reduction of environmental damage through the efficient use of sustainable resources. We will seek to extend this philosophy to every area of our company's operations by endeavouring to undertake all company activities in a sustainable and environmentally responsible manner thereby, enhancing our reputation as a reliable and trustworthy organisation.
It is our aim every member of staff and contractor or visitor to LinkPlas, will be safe from injury or harm. Our consistent aim is for zero accidents, near misses or injuries. We do not merely seek to meet our legal obligations with regards to the safety or our staff. It is our objective to ensure LinkPlas continues to be a safe place for our employees, contractors and visitors by actively encouraging participation in the safety process.
LinkPlas will prevent harm to people, property and the environment by:
LinkPlas commits to the continuous improvement and maintenance of our Health and Safety system through the guidance of suitable qualified Health and Safety representatives or advisors.
The OH&S policy is reviewed periodically to ensure it remains relevant and appropriate to the organisation.
This policy is available to all interested parties as well as being made available to the wider community through publication on our Website, Company Noticeboard and Intranet.
Each employee and contractor to LinkPlas is hereby given the authority to stop a given work task should it be deemed it cannot be undertaken without risk to personnel, visitors, property or the environment.
Authorised by: Steve Morrison Position: Managing Director
Date Approved: 22/03/2024